North Coast V Twins 35TH ANNIVERSARY
*** Shop celebration Saturday 6th July and ride Sunday 7th July 2024 ***
We'd like to invite each and every one of you to join us for a special celebration here at North Coast V-Twins on Saturday 6th of July from 9am - 3pm. There will be live music, bbq, refreshments, prizes, and more! Bring the kids along, this is a family friendly event!
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our amazing customers. 35 years is a huge achievement and we wouldn't be where we are without you! You're what keeps our engines running and the inspiration for us to continue to deliver exceptional service everyday.
Let's reminisce, create new memories, and celebrate 35 years of V-twins together. See you there!
Gear up for a ride with Ash, us to celebrate 35 years of NCVT
Stands up 9:30am
1st Stop Nambucca Motorcycle Show and Shine @ The Nambucca Bowls Club
11am depart to The Pub With no beer for lunch
Let's ride the roads together. all bikes and riders are welcomed. We hope you can make it.
*** A registration page and chat room has been created for this event. ***
*** This is for member's information about who's going down on either day to the event and to do some planning to ride down together ***...
Northern NSW Veterans Poker Run ...
Both chapters supported by V Twin joint ride with our Principal Dealer Originally our Chapter Ride Sun 14th July date ~ ...
About Events
Event Rules
Events as scheduled are subject to change on short notice as circumstances arise and will be notified by way of the website where possible, our facebook page and text to registered participants. Please check your text messages, watch this site regularly or reach out to the contacts below. Rides/events may be changed /postponed /cancelled subject to conditions – contact numbers as below.
All rides require members to book using the Member Jungle Event Calendar page, prior to the closing date, which is usually a week before the event to allow time for planning so we can make your ride memorable.
Be fuelled up and ready by the posted 'Stands Up' time.
Ride times
Pay particular attention to the meeting place and time for the ride as stated in the Calendar.
Director Ron Nugent 0431 170 626 director@nnswhogs.com
Assistant Director Terry Milgate assistantdirector@nnswhogs.com
Secretary Joanne Faulks 0429 946 882 secretary@nnswhogs.com
Treasurer Chris Launder (Mr Delete) 0407 715 478 treasurer@nnswhogs.com
Activities Geoff Saggus activities@nnswhogs.com
Head Road Captain Brett Rogers roadcaptain@nnswhogs.com